Dr. William "Will" Halstead is a former Attending Physician in Emergency Medicine at Gaffney Chicago Medical Center. He is the older brother[1][2] of Jay Halstead, a former main character on Chicago P.D. He was portrayed by Nick Gehlfuss.
Quick Answers
What is the relationship between Will Halstead and Jay Halstead in Chicago P.D.?
What is the background of Will Halstead's family in Chicago?
Who portrays the character of Dr. Will Halstead on Chicago Med?
What is the significance of Will Halstead's Irish Catholic upbringing in the series?
What is the nature of the relationship between Will Halstead and Natalie on Chicago Med?
Will Halstead was born on December 29, 1983 to Pat Halstead and his wife and raised in Canaryville, Chicago, along with his brother Jay Halstead. It is mention that they grew up in the Southside. They hail from an Irish Catholic family and attended Catholic school. Because of their blue collar life both brothers were bullied by other kids, specifically the Tucker brothers. Will was even nicknamed "Ginger Spice" by them. In spite of the hazing, it was revealed that Will secretly had their respect because of his willingness to stand up to them and they deemed him the smartest person they knew, despite his background.
Will's life at home was particularly hard, as his father always pushed him and was disappointed in his choices, especially when Will decided to go to college and majored in biology in undergrad rather than going straight to work. Due to this, Will left for New York and put himself through college and medical school with no support from his father. His brother, Jay, became a U.S. Army Ranger (likely right out of high school) stationed in Afghanistan. After Jay returned from the war, he joined the Chicago Police Department and became a detective in the Intelligence Unit. Their mother developed an unknown kind of cancer, first starting to get very ill while Jay was deployed. Will was not "around" when she died, something that Jay harbored a significant amount of resentment towards him for and something Will feels very guilty about.
Prior to moving to New York, Will worked as a doctor in Sudan, although it is unclear what exactly his job entailed. After this, he worked as a plastic surgeon in New York City for several years, but was fired for an unknown reason. He came to stay with his brother initially as a temporary measure while he found a place to live and a source of income. His first day at Chicago Med took place in the Chicago Fire episode I Am the Apocalypse, which also served as Med's backdoor pilot. He went into work late and told Jay that morning that he intended to quit after his first shift, but quickly changed his mind, deciding to keep his job and move to Chicago permanently.
Season 1[]
Will first appears at the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new Emergency Department (which was presumably rebuilt after the explosion in the backdoor pilot). Along with his co-workers, he is on-call when the train derailment occurs and assists in treating the influx of victims. He is the first of the group to meet Dr. Conner Rhodes, who is performing CPR on an incoming trauma patient assigned to Will. They have a short argument about the patient's treatment before Dr. Rhodes informs Will that he is the new trauma fellow. Will immediately dislikes Dr. Rhodes, commenting to Dr. Manning that he is arrogant. Dr. Manning simply raises her eyebrows and doesn't respond, leaving Will indignantly claiming that he's not arrogant, to which Dr. Manning (somewhat) jokingly responds "No, you just happen to know more than anybody else".
While treating Gina, a woman who has suffered a traumatic head injury in the train derailment, Will and Dr. Ethan Choi discover that she is pregnant and soon learn that she is the surrogate mother of another couple's child. The couple, Mr. and Mrs. Donahue, are deeply concerned about Gina; however, when Will and Ethan inform them that Gina needs an operation to reduce the swelling in her brain, the couple hesitates due to the possible risk to the baby. Sharon Goodwin eventually convinces the couple to allow the surgery.
Will has an argument with Dr. Manning when he says that her pregnancy is getting in the way of her decision making as she was choosing to use the last nitrous oxide tank they had to save the life of a newborn baby unlikely to survive rather than another patient who Will thought needed it more. He snatches the tank off her and uses it himself, saving his own patient. This angers Dr. Manning and she doesn't talk to him for a few days despite his constant apologies. She eventually forgives him.
Will told Jay Halstead that he thought Dr. Rhodes delayed in treating Christopher Herrmann when he first arrived at hospital. Jay then passed this information down to Kelly Severide who called Dr. Rhodes out on his 'mistake' in front of everyone. Dr. Rhodes was upset by this and finds out that it was Will who told them when he sees him and Jay talking later. Will apologizes and goes to see Jay, the two then argue. Will tells him he told him about Dr. Rhodes in confidentiality but Jay says he didn't tell him not to tell anyone. He tells him he won't ever tell him anything again and Jay replies that he won't get him information from the crime scenes anymore and leaves.
Dr. Manning is about to deliver her baby and her mother-in-law comes to see her. Will clearly has feelings for her but her mother-in-law catches onto this quicker than she can and is upset. She tells him to stay from her as it has only been 6 months since her husband died. He obeys immediately and doesn't see her for the next few days. This happened as Dr. Manning gave birth to Owen. However, on that same episode, Helen realizes that there might be a chance for Dr. Manning to go back to Seattle (where she is originally from), thus she starts to behave nicely towards Will. She figures out if Dr. Manning starts a new romance in Chicago, she won't consider relocating back home.
Dr. Halstead puts his career on the line for a woman who reminds him of his mother. It's in this episode that it is revealed his mother died of cancer. Had she had access to the experimental drugs available she could still be alive, according to him. So, when opportunity comes to provide that chance to a cancer patient Will takes it. However, in order to do so he ,disrespects the patient's wishes and resuscitates her. Not obeying a DNR is illegal. Jennifer Baker and her family decide to file a lawsuit against the hospital and Will.
Dr. Manning tells Will she is tired of being his punching bag. She asks him why is it always her. Will asks her if she really doesn't know and kisses her.
Using Dr. Rhodes's access codes, Will reads Jennifer Baker's medical records and learns she is on the placebo. He begs Zoe to use her influence to get Jennifer on the active drug, but she refuses, and Will leaves, intending to tell Jennifer. Knowing that Will telling Jennifer Baker means the loss of his medical license, Zoe finds Dr. Rhodes and tells him what Will is about to do, Dr. Rhodes follows Will into the elevator and presses the emergency stop button, telling him that he's going to "stop another guy from ruining his life". The two have an argument that escalates into a physical fight; when Will manages to release the emergency stop, Dr. Rhodes pins him against the wall and says, "You're a good doctor. The world needs good doctors, you ass." The elevator doors open, but Will stays where he is.
Jennifer Baker, having become too sick to continue the trial, goes home with her family and peacefully passes away. Will attends the funeral, where Jennifer's husband, Sal Baker, thanks him for not giving up on his wife and drops the lawsuit against him. Will is seen talking to Jay about this at the end of the episode, mentioning that he feels guilty for violating her DNR and putting her through the trial when she didn't even receive the active drug. Jay tells Will that he did the best he could, and he has to move on.
As Will's last year of residency comes to an end, he gets an offer to become an attending at Chicago Med. He is ecstatic, as he wanted to continue working there but did not think the hospital board would vote in his favor. He also seems to be happy that he can continue working with Dr. Manning, and is shown to be upset when he sees Natalie leaving the hospital with Jeff.
Season 2[]
Lesson Learned[]
Will's first mentor is brought in with kidney failure and pneumonia. Everyone, including Sharon, is sure she won't make it, but Will is determined to keep going and trying. He's very emotional and wants to save Dr. Rowan and even lashes out the home caretaker who comes to check in. Will replays the graduation speech Rowan gave over and over. In the end, he re-watches her say that you should always "treat the patient and not the disease" and this should be the one thing they take away from her. He decides to let her die in peace. Dr. Manning comforts Will when he breaks down in the locker room, and Nina is upset to see them hugging each other.
Love Hurts[]
Will and Dr. Manning treat a pedestrian-vs-auto victim.
Season 3[]
Will started dating his longtime love Dr. Manning, things took a very rough turn for them after Will tried to protect her too many times. Causing them to have problems and Natalie wanting to take a break from the relationship. As a result of this Will goes off, gets drunk, and makes out with coworker Maia Frisch, further angering Dr. Manning.
The Tipping Point[]
Will proposes to Natalie, and we are left without knowing her response.
Season 4[]
We find out in the season 4 premier that Natalie said yes to Will's proposal. They decide that Natalie will take care of the catering and Will will do the venue. When Will gets into his situation with Ray Burke, Natalie begins to think that she is hiding something. On the day of their wedding, Will is kidnapped, further complicating things. When he gets out thanks to C.P.D., he tells Natalie that he will tell her everything soon, and they (C.P.D.) take him into protective custody. Later, Natalie says they need to put the wedding back on the calendar. Soon after, she find out that Will is carrying a gun. Natalie says that he can't live with her unless he gets rid of the gun. After a long argument about it, Will decided that he will get rid of it- however, he keeps it in his car. When someone breaks into his car and steals the gun, he has no choice as Natalie finds out and completely breaks things off.
Season 5[]
Never Going Back to Normal[]
Will carries an unconscious Dr. Manning into the ED after they are attacked in his car by Tim Burke. He is treated for his own relatively minor injuries by Elsa Curry. While visiting a still unconscious Dr. Manning, he is confronted by Phillip who tells him to leave and that he and Dr. Manning are engaged. This leads Will to draw the conclusion that that is what Dr. Manning wanted to tell him right before they got attacked. He becomes suspicious after talking to Connor, who mentions that Phillip acted strangely earlier, asking his opinion on the engagement ring at an inappropriate time when his daughter was being prepped for heart surgery.
We're Lost in the Dark[]
Will is annoyed to learn that Phillip has had flowers delivered to the ED in honor of Natalie's first day back after her TBI. He and Elsa Curry treat a young woman who has had a seizure due to an apparent gas leak at her school. He welcomes back Dr. Manning, who apologizes for the way he found out about her engagement. She claims that is what she came to tell him the night they were attacked, but that she isn't entirely sure.
The power goes out and Will and Elsa deal with the irate mother of their seizure patient. The patient, her mother and her two accompanying teammates are hysterical to learn that she will most likely not be able to play in her soccer state finals the next day. Will learns that there was no gas leak, and asks Dr. Charles to consult, just as the patient experiences another seizure and her two teammates come down with the same symptoms. Unable to make a diagnosis, he asks Goodwin for permission to put her and her teammates into isolation, as he suspects an infection with a contagious disease. Goodwin refuses his request to evacuate the ED, saying that they can't afford it under the current circumstances. Dr. Charles orders all three to be brought into the same room, suspecting a psychological explanation for the symptoms.
After the power returns, Will and Elsa are surprised to see that all three girls are symptom-free, and Dr. Charles informs them that a placebo and some therapy for coping with stress was able to return them to normal, adding that they were suffering from an apparent case of mass hysteria.
As Dr. Manning is getting ready to leave, Will tells her that he doesn't think that she came to tell him that she got engaged when they were attacked, but she deflects. When he asks her whether she is sure she loves Phillip, she becomes angry and replies that her relationship with him is the only stable thing in her life at that moment.
In the Valley of the Shadows[]
Will continues to be annoyed with Phillip, chastising him for bringing Owen and Sophie into the ED. He also continues to second-guess Dr. Manning's mental capacity, first removing her from the treatment of one of her patients, and then deciding to personally oversee all of her cases going forward. He claims this is for her own protection, but Dr. Manning retorts that she feels instead that he is punishing her for something.
Infection, Part II[]
Will is assigned to work with a representative of the CDC and two doctors from the university lab to find a working antibiotic to counteract the infection spreading around the city. When he discovers one of the university doctors destroying samples, he is attacked and hit in the head with a microscope, after which the doctor flees.
Got a Friend in Me[]
Will continues to closely monitor Dr. Manning's work. He treats a patient with an abnormally swollen calf, which turns out to be deep vein thrombosis. When the patient's condition quickly worsens, he discovers that the blood clot has moved to the patient's lung. Before the patient can be sent to interventional radiology, he goes into cardiac arrest and passes away. Will is distraught, especially when the patient's fiancé, whom he had promised to call, arrives.
When the parents of a toddler Dr. Manning is treating lose confidence in her ability, Will has to step in and reassure them, reminding Natalie that this is the second time in the last month this has happened.
Season 6[]
When Did We Begin to Change[]
When Hannah suffers an overdose, Will brings her into MED. Before she is taken into surgery, Will tells her that he loves her and hopes for her to come through.
Afterwards, he deals with the stress of the overdose and the COVID-19 pandemic, seeking counseling from Dr. Charles. He treats a patient who seemingly is an alcoholic, but who turns out to have a condition which causes the yeast in her stomach to ferment carbohydrates into alcohol, causing her to appear drunk. Before reporting her to the FAA, Goodwin advises him to investigate any extenuating circumstances. He later apologizes to the patient for jumping to conclusions and refrains from reporting her. He is approached by Dr. Sabeena Virani to be her co-principal investigator on her clinical trial, but he declines, saying he already has too much going on.
When Hannah eventually wakes up, they share a moment, with her apologizing for letting him down. She is touched by him voicing relief at her pulling through and reveals that she could hear him when she was brought in, thanking him for telling her that he loves her, but that she has decided to go into rehab. Afterwards, Will see Hannah ready to go and she tells him that she has decided to leave Chicago, because she thinks she will never be able to rise above the stigma of being a drug addict. She asked for Will to come with her but notes that he most likely would not go, something that he confirms. Will tells Hannah that he does not want to be the anchor to her sobriety but does wish her luck in her endeavors.
Those Things Hidden in Plain Sight[]
Will is disappointed when he is passed over for the position of new Head of the ED. When Ethan immediately begins to micromanage him, he quickly becomes annoyed, especially when it turns out that he made the correct call. On a video call with Goodwin, she informs him that he was not even considered for the position due to his somewhat frequent demonstrations of poor judgement. When he notices Dr. Virani leaving the ED, he approaches her, appearing to have changed his mind about assisting with her clinical trial.
Do You Know the Way Home?[]
Eager to enroll new patients in his clinical trial, Will pushes a patient suffering from heart failure to accept placement. When the patient's daughter arrives, she berates Will for his pushiness and refuses her father's enrollment. After the patient goes through several life-threatening events, the daughter relents and is eventually pleased when she sees how her father's condition improves on the new medication.
Season 7[]
You Can't Always Trust What You See[]
Will and Dr. Manning embrace one last time before her and Owen are seen driving away to leave Chicago. Will goes to Goodwin's office to ask for his old job back, to which she agrees in exchange for Will investigating Dr. Matt Cooper and his pushing of the Vas-COM device. Dr. Marcel asks Will to consult on a heart failure patient because Will knows her history from when she was in his clinical trial. When the patient's condition worsens and Dr. Marcel moves to take her to surgery, the stress of the investigation causes Will to accuse Dr. Marcel of padding his bill, for which he immediately apologizes. While watching the procedure in the OR, Cooper comes in to plug usage of the Vas-COM, which Dr. Marcel refuses, confirming Will's suspicions.
Season 8[]
Does One Door Close and Another One Open?[]
After sabotaging the OR 2.0 tech that had been defective in repairing Jack Dayton's hernia along with Dr. Grace Song, Will took full responsibility for his actions and chose to resign from his position as an Attending, ultimately leaving the hospital for good. He later flew to Seattle, reuniting with his ex-fiancée, former fellow Dr. Manning and her son Owen.
Notable Crossovers[]
Will makes frequent appearances in Med's sister shows Chicago P.D. and Chicago Fire, both as a doctor and as Detective Jay Halstead's younger brother (confirmed in Chicago P.D. season 2, episode 17; “Say Her Real Name”)
Chicago P.D.[]

Will in his first scene
Will is first introduced as Jay Halstead's older brother in Say Her Real Name, when Will gets fired from his job in New York and comes to stay with Jay indefinitely. Will is initially shown as a reckless person who frequently gets into physical fights (he is involved in a bar fight in the middle of the day the very first scene he appears in and, later on in his first episode, displays several bruises on his face and tells Jay he got into "trouble"); however, this aspect of his character calms down significantly, although he is still extremely impulsive and rash.
In Get Back to Even, the son of a close friend of Jay's sergeant Hank Voight is shot, and Voight asks Jay to contact Will, as they cannot take the child to the hospital. Will performs emergency surgery on the boy on a dining table in his house (with Jay acting as his assistant), and he survives due to Will's excellent surgical skills.
In the Chicago P.D. and Law and Order: SVU crossover episode The Number of Rats, Olivia Benson initially considered Will to be a suspect in a serial murder case due to the fact that the suspect had been described as wearing scrubs and Will worked in New York at the time the killer was active there. Will was brought in ostensibly to "help", but was soon blindsided by questioning without his or his brother's knowledge. Jay was furious and demanded that the questioning end immediately; although Will wanted to help with the investigation and was willing to answer questions, Jay forced him to leave. Although Will was almost instantly cleared as a suspect, Jay was still extremely angry it happened at all and never once doubted his innocence.
Chicago Fire[]
Will's first day at Chicago Med took place in the Chicago Fire episode I Am the Apocalypse, Chicago Med's backdoor pilot. He went into work at least 10 minutes late and told Jay that he intended to quit after his first shift, which Jay objected strongly to. Soon after his arrival at the hospital, a terrorist set off a grenade, blowing up the emergency room and leaving several people killed or seriously injured. As Will was not wounded in the explosion, he helped to treat people who were hurt and took charge of communicating with Firehouse 51 and Chicago P.D. At the end of the episode, he revealed to Jay that the events of the day had changed his mind and he was going to move to Chicago permanently.
Pat Halstead[]
Pat Halstead is Will's father.
For several years, Will was estranged from his father because of him not showing any support in his career choice. However, Will still loved his father and unlike Jay still spoke with him when he could.
When Pat is the victim of fire, with the smoke inhalation causing problems.
In Generation Gap, Will is called by his brother to discuss their father who is having heart problems as a result. Will brought Connor to check on his father because Pat is too stubborn to admit that he needed to go to the hospital. Will confided in Connor that he felt his father believed him to be a disappointment because of his career choice.
During the surgery, Will and Jay waited outside. Will was more worried than Jay, who kept saying it would go fine. Afterwards, Will tried to lighten up the situation by explaining to his dad he needed to take care of his diet. However, Pat interrupted him (knowing it was too late) by holding him. They had an emotional moment and both smiled at each other while Connor looked on.
Jay Halstead[]
Jay Halstead is Will's younger brother and a detective for the Chicago P.D.
Although Jay and Will are on good terms and very close, Jay expressed some lingering resentment towards Will when he initially returns for not being there when their mother died, during which time Jay was deployed and Will was (in Jay's words) "out partying"[3]. While neither of them are close to their father, Jay, unlike Will, had not spoken to him in over two years prior to his hospitalization, and was very reluctant to see him even then.
Jay is extremely protective of Will and is very quick to jump to his defense. In the Chicago P.D. and Law and Order: SVU crossover episode The Number of Rats, Olivia Benson initially considered Will to be a suspect in a serial murder case due to the fact that the suspect had been described as wearing scrubs and Will worked in New York at the time the killer was active there. Will was brought in ostensibly to "help", but was soon blindsided by questioning without his or his brother's knowledge. Jay was furious and demanded that the questioning end immediately; although Will wanted to help with the investigation and was willing to answer questions, Jay forced him to leave. Although Will was almost instantly cleared as a suspect, Jay was still extremely angry it happened at all and never once doubted his innocence. In the Chicago Fire episode I Am The Apocalypse, Chicago Med's backdoor pilot, Will is inside the Emergency Department when a terrorist sets off a bomb. He is not seriously injured, but Jay is shown to be very worried about him, immediately saying "tell me you're not in there" when Will calls him from inside the building.
In When to Let Go, after being caught in an apartment fire and admitted to Chicago Med, Will and Jay's father Pat died. Will called the code, and was told by the hospital Board to keep him on the ventilator for as long as he needed. Will later found out that it was because the hospital wanted to avoid liability for the death because of a surgery Pat had a month earlier and wanted to pass the 30-day mark. Furious, he wanted to take off Pat off the ventilator and got into an argument with Jay, who refused to do it. Will apologized later on and said if Jay wanted to, they would keep their father on the ventilator for as long as he needed, after which they jointly decided to switch it off.
In Heavy Is the Head, at Pat's wake, Will ran into old neighborhood friends Tommy and Tim Burke. After checking up on his father, he found Jay waiting for him in the hospital carpark and played the recording of Will in Ray Burke's home. Will asked if Jay had been recording him, and Jay told him they had been recording Ray for money laundering, fraud and other activities. Soon, Will got caught up in the investigation and was asked to tap Ray's home. Tim and Tommy found out, and came to the hospital and took Will with them, saying Ray was sick again. They ended up in a warehouse, and trapped Will there, threatening to kill him for what he did. However, Ray passed out and with a bleed in his brain and they held him at gunpoint to fix it. Tommy then pointed a gun at him and said he'd have to kill him, but was shot by police before he could. Jay then took Will into witness-protection with FBI agent Ingrid Lee.
During a crossover of Infection, Part III, Will was worried when Voight told him that Jay was confronting a bio terrorist and rushed to aid him, stating that his brother was in the building.
Samara was Will's girlfriend for a time while he worked in Sudan.
Nina Shore[]
Will dated Dr. Nina Shore for some time in season 2. They got along well, and they even moved in together and had a moving-in party. However, Nina was always worried there was something between Will and Natalie Manning. After a lot of asking and denying, Will went down to the pathology lab to tell Nina that she deserved better and he did have feelings for Natalie. She said "The sooner the better" when Will told her he would get his stuff out of her place.
Natalie Manning[]
Dr. Natalie Manning is one of Will's close friends and a coworker at Chicago Med. Will has had a crush on since they first met, but while it is implied that Natalie also has romantic feelings towards him, their relationship has so far never escalated beyond friendship due to the death of Natalie's husband, the birth of her son, and her failed relationship with Jeff.
They kissed once in the episode Clarity, but remained friends and continued like it hadn't happened.
Will is noticeably jealous whenever Natalie is interested in someone, or vice versa. This is shown very clearly with Jeff, who he immediately dislikes due to (among other reasons) his close relationship with Natalie; at the end of Season 2, Natalie asks Jay to go to Noah's graduation party with her. Jay checks with Will, who says he's fine with it, but Jay turns her down anyway, telling Will that he "really need[s] to get it together" and ask her out.
The last scene of Season 2 suggests that Will and Natalie may have begun a romantic relationship, but there is no confirmation from either the episode or information about Season 3.
In the season 3 premiere, it was revealed that Natalie went on a 3 month sabbatical to think. Later on, Will told her that his feelings for her hadn't gone away and she revealed that she took the time off the think about him and then she kissed him.
At the end of Trust Your Gut, Will and Natalie fell asleep on the couch of the staff room, after a long shift. Before Natalie drifted off she said Will's body made a nice pillow.
At the end of Crisis of Confidence, Will asks Jay for their mother's engagement ring, he plans on proposing to Natalie. But by the end of The Tipping Point, she learns that the women he kissed was a doctor she knew and Will runs after her and proposes anyway. Her answer is unknown.
At the start of Be My Better Half, Will and Natalie are engaged. It took a week for her to answer. However, they are already fighting other wedding plans because Natalie has already been married and wants it to be small. But in the end they agree to do the planning together. However, it never came to be because Will was put in witness protection.
After returning from witness-protection, Will started keeping a gun with him in All the Lonely People, Natalie asked him to either get rid of it or leave the house. He chose the latter. But being worried about each other, she told him to come again if he left the gun, which he promised to do and even took to CPD, but in the end decided against it and left it in the car without telling Natalie. In Ghosts in the Attic, the gun was stolen from his car and Natalie ended up finding out. Upset with the secrets, she gave him the engagement ring back and broke up with him.
Natalie then started seeing the father of a baby she was treating, Philip. Philip disliked Will and the two often exchanged words when Philip came to the hospital. Philip was planning on proposing to Natalie. At the same time, Will found out that Ingrid Lee, the FBI agent who had worked on the Ray Burke case, had moved in to his neighborhood. She liked him, but then figured out that Will still in love with Natalie. She told Natalie, who went to see Will that night in With a Brave Heart, where their car was hit by Tim Burke.
After being taken into surgery, Natalie lost her memory of that night, but Will was sure that she had been coming over to get back together with him. However, Philip comes to see her and tells Natalie that he proposed, showing her a ring on her finger. Doctor Marcel says the ring wasn't there when they operated.
While she recovers, Will is critical of the way that she is treating her patients as she often gets into arguments with them. Natalie blames Will for punishing her for something she does not even remember, and Will tells Marcel that she was probably coming over to tell him it was over and that he needs to move. Doctor Marcel tells Will the same thing he told Philip - that the ring was not there when she came in that night.
Will is sure that Natalie will understand him once he tells her this. He goes to find her but she is already breaking up with Philip outside the hospital, telling him she doesn't feel right about the engagement. Will accuses Philip of using Natalie's memory loss to make her think he engaged. Natalie seems tired of them both, and tells them both to get out of her life.
Will starts dating again in I Can't Imagine the Future, where Elsa Curry also tries to ask him out. Natalie then regains her memories when she sees Philip's daughter back in the ER, remembering a similar setting to the night of the accident. She remembers and goes to find Will on the roof to tell him they should get back together and that she was wrong, declaring she loved him. Will apologizes and tells her he's moved on, to her sadness.
Despite this rejection, Will and Natalie remain on good terms though continued to have disagreements on patients. Will had reservations on her dating Crockett but ultimately came to accept their status. When Will discovered she stole supplies from the hospital to illegally support her mother, he warned her of the consequences but backed her up. Though this choice nearly cost him his job, Will was alright with this and told Natalie he cared too much her to lose everything when it was for a good deed. Touched by his compassion, Natalie came clean to Goodwin and stated Will was only covering for her, causing her to be fired as a result. When she left MED, she and Will had a touching farewell and promised to keep in touch.
After resigning from the hospital for good in Does One Door Close and Another One Open?, Will flies to Seattle, reuniting with Natalie and Owen. He told Natalie that he was staying for how long she needed him, as she happily reconciles with him by stating she won't let him go again.
See also: Manstead
Elsa Curry[]
A medical student who shadows him in Season 5.
During Who Knows What Tomorrow Brings, they attend a crawfish ball, Will allows Elsa to call him by his name while they're off duty. She takes an interest in him, while showing him how to eat crawfish and they share a laugh.
In Too Close to the Sun, Will is oblivious to Elsa implying a date to a concert thinking she only wanted to go early. When they help a patient, Elsa is critical of Will's methods but ultimately sees that he was correct, and they save the patient. She apologizes for doubting him, as he accepts it, and her interest grows after he says he has a natural affinity for this kind of thing. She later tries to ask him out on a date to a concert but is disappointed to see that Will already has a date.
Hannah Asher[]
Will met Hannah at an off-set med center and treated her addiction to drugs. He was later shocked to discover Hannah is a doctor and was skeptical of her methods.
After they realize an attraction to the other, Hannah invited Will to her apartment after he promised to help her. He gladly accepted the offer and they hook-up.
The next day, Hannah was late for surgery and Will was angry with her and ranted at her about this even calling their encounter a mistake, to her anger. Will went as far as nearly exposing her habits to the superiors.
However, Will regrets his choice and the pair reconcile with him staying over more. When meeting someone from her past, he is upset but learns he needs to stop being critical and let her find herself. At the end, he surprises Hannah with his belief in her road to recovery and they share a hug.
In the Season 6 premiere, Will and Hannah have been dating for months. After a fight, Hannah has a relapse and is admitted to the hospital. Will tells the barely conscious Hannah that he loves her. Hannah eventually wakes up and shares a moment with Will, apologizing for letting him down. However, Will is only relieved at her pulling through. He also learns that she could hear him when she was brought in, thanking him for telling her that he loves her. Hannah soon promises to go to rehab to make it up to him before Will goes to surgery. After her recovery, Will is dismayed that she has decided to leave Chicago because she thinks she will never be able to rise above the stigma of being a drug addict. She tells Will that after she completes rehab she has decided to leave Chicago for L.A. for a fresh start. Hannah invites Will to come with her but is not surprised when he refuses because he can't feel like her reason for being sober. Regardless, Will again voices his love of her and wished her all the best. The two share one final happy moment.
The pair meet again in Season 7, with Will being overjoyed to see her again and to learn that in the past two years, she has officially gotten clean. Although the two agree to keep their relationship platonic, it is clear they still care for one another. A good example is when Will's apartment building catches on fire and Hannah tried to save him, at the cost of collapsing after inhaling too much smoke. Another is when Hannah was worried when Will collapsed from getting exposed to a drug.
After Will decides to resign from the hospital for good in Does One Door Close and Another One Open?, Hannah was upset but showed support by happily seeing himself.
Connor Rhodes[]
Will's relationship with Connor Rhodes was initially extremely antagonistic, beginning immediately after they meet due to him overriding Will's authority in the ED. Will frequently disagrees with Connor's medical opinions (possibly out of spite) and openly resents Connor's wealthy upbringing, frequently making snide comments about the differences in their childhoods.
When he discovers in "Fallback" that Connor's family owns a chain of expensive department stores, he jokes that he once went into one of the stores and the only thing he could afford was a pair of socks. Connor responds by telling Will that if his solution to their case is effective, he'll buy him a tie. Will seems to interpret this as a joke, but when his approach actually does cure their patient, he discovers a tie left for him by Connor. After this, their relationship slowly begins to improve, although they continue to fight over nearly everything.
In "Guilty", Will asks Connor to use his codes to access Jennifer Baker's medical records as a favor, as Will is not allowed to have any involvement in her case whatsoever. Connor agrees, but when he learns from Zoe that Will is planning to tell Jennifer Baker she's on the placebo, he rushes to stop him, saying that he "didn't think it [giving Will the access codes] would lead to this". He engages the emergency stop on the elevator and ends up involved in a physical struggle with Will; when Will manages to release the brakes, Connor pins him against a wall. He tells Will that "you're a good doctor. The world needs good doctors, you ass." Will eventually stops fighting and does not tell Jennifer about the drugs, retaining his job and license. They gradually start to become friends, and their conflicts with each other have significantly died down by the end of Season 2.
Notes and Trivia[]
- He had a crush on Dr. Manning since he first began working at Med.
- Will was raised Catholic, serving both as an altar boy and attending Catholic school.
- His family has lived in Canaryville for three generation and they're of Irish descent
- While in medical school, he met future serial killer Greg Yates and was disturbed by his mannerisms.
Memorable quotes[]
- "The crazy guy out front who thinks he's Jesus."
- —To Natalie
- "I'm like a little kid with a crush on a girl, so what does he pull her pigtails"
- —To Natalie
- "I became a doctor to save peoples lives!"
- —Will Halstead
- "Hey, I am not arrogant"
- —To Natalie
Season 1 | ||||
Derailed | iNO | Fallback | Mistaken | Malignant |
Bound | Saints | Reunion | Choices | Clarity |
Intervention | Guilty | Us | Hearts | Inheritance |
Disorder | Withdrawal | Timing |
Chicago P.D.[]
Season 2[]
- Say Her Real Name (2x17)
- Get Back to Even (2x18)
- The Number of Rats (2x20)
Season 3[]
- Life Is Fluid (3x01)
- Natural Born Storyteller (3x02)
- Actual Physical Violence (3x03)
- Climbing Into Bed (3x05)
- You Never Know Who's Who (3x06)
Season 4[]
- A War Zone (4x05)
- A Shot Heard Round the World (4x08)
- Emotional Proximity (4x16)
- Remember the Devil (4x17)
- Fork in the Road (4x23)
Season 5[]
- Reform (5x01)
Season 6[]
- Endings (6x02)
Season 7[]
- Infection, Part III (7x04)
- Mercy (7x10)
Season 10[]
- Let It Bleed (10x01)
Chicago Fire[]
Season 3[]
- I Am the Apocalypse (3x19)
Season 4[]
- Let It Burn (4x01)
- I Walk Away (4x03)
- Your Day Is Coming (4x04)
- Regarding This Wedding (4x05)
- The Beating Heart (4x10)
- What Happened to Courtney (4x17)
- I Will Be Walking (4x19)
- The Last One for Mom (4x20)
- Kind of a Crazy Idea (4x21)
Season 5[]
- A Real Wake-Up Call (5x02)
- Deathtrap (5x15)
Season 6[]
- Looking for a Lifeline (6x14)
Season 7[]
- Going to War (7x02)
Season 8[]
- Infection, Part I (8x04)
- Shut It Down (8x14)
- Light Things Up (8x19)
- 51's Original Bell (8x20)
Season 9[]
- One Crazy Shift (9x10)
- A Couple Hundred Degrees (9x11)
Season 11[]
- The First Symptom (11x17)