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Chicago Med Wiki

Those Things Hidden in Plain Sight is the second episode of Season 6 and the 106th overall of Chicago Med.


Goodwin announces a new ED Chief and the choice doesn’t make everyone happy. Dr. Manning takes a stand for her patient and finds herself dealing with the repercussions. Dr. Charles tends to family matters.


Main Cast[]

Recurring Cast[]

Guest Cast[]


This episode continues to highlight the difficulties associated with the coronavirus pandemic, as well as the unfair aspects of the U.S. criminal justice and penal systems:

  • Low-income families being forced to continue working, despite the risk of contracting COVID-19.
  • People being labeled "violent offenders" for relatively minor offenses, such as shoving a police officer during an arrest.
  • Poor medical care and record keeping in penal facilities.
  • Pregnant women being separated from their babies upon returning to jail after giving birth.
  • The backlog of court cases being exacerbated by the pandemic.

Medical Cases[]

  • A man named Jerome Kirk is brought in after a car accident and is treated for air in his brain (pneumocephaly).
  • A woman named Yesenia Cruz who is also suffering from cardiomyopathy is treated for COVID-19, but quickly deteriorates and passes away.
  • A 24-year-old Cook County Jail inmate named Aisha Barnes, who is 37 weeks pregnant, is treated for eclampsia and delivers via C-section.
  • Yesenia's mother Alejandra is brought in, also having contracted the virus.