Chicago Med Wiki
Chicago Med Wiki

Different users have access to different functions on the Chicago Med Wiki. While anyone can do most things on the site, including reading and editing, some users do have access to additional functions.

Local Groups[]

Auto confirmed users[]

This group is automatically assigned to users who have been part of Chicago Med Wiki for four or more days. They have the same abilities as regular users in addition to being able to move pages and edit semi-protected pages.


Users with the rollback group are trusted users after making a substantial effort to improve the site with their edits and reports. They have the ability to easily undo any edits that are not made in good faith.

A list of the current Trusted users can be found here: Special:ListUsers/rollback


Moderator's have the ability to edit or move protected pages, delete pages, protect pages, patrol pages and lock discussion threads or article comments in addition to the rollback permissions.

A list of the current Moderators can be found here: Special:ListUsers/content-moderator


Administrators (also known as "sysops" or "admins") have all the same permissions as Rollback and Moderator but can also block users who break the Chicago Med Wiki rules, promote users to Rollback or Moderator and edit the site theme or MediaWiki pages.

A list of the current (3) Administrators can be found here: Special:ListUsers/sysop


Bureaucrat's are essentially founders of Chicago Med Wiki and have the same permissions as administrators with the additional ability of adding and removing administrators.

A list of the current Bureaucrats can be found here: Special:ListUsers/bureaucrat

Global Groups[]

Global Groups are special groups that some users have across all of Fandom. These are usually staff members of Fandom or extremely trusted volunteers within the overall Fandom community. You can learn more about global groups on Community Central.

How do I get user rights?[]

You will be assigned user rights when the Chicago Med Wiki Administrators think you have earned it. You can always post on the message wall of an existing bureaucrat or sysop if you wish but there is no guarantee you will have any rights assigned. If all the admins are inactive then you can probably try to adopt the wiki or contact our Wiki Representative.
