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Chicago Med Wiki

Albert "Bert" Goodwin is the ex-husband of Sharon Goodwin. He is portrayed by Gregory Alan Williams.


Bert and Sharon have three children together: Michael, Tara and David.

At the end of Season 1, Bert walks out on his 35-year marriage with Sharon, leaving her devastated. He makes several appearances in the Emergency Department with his new girlfriend Lyla Dempsey, much to everyone's discomfort. After Lyla passes away, Bert is hospitalized for a suicide attempt.

During Season 5, following an attempt by Caroline Charles to reunite them, he and Sharon have cautiously started to reconcile, and by the time of In the Name of Love, they are having drinks every week. In Just a River in Egypt, he also reconciles with Michael, who harbors a lot of contempt for him for walking out on his marriage. Sharon explains to Michael that there are always two sides to a story, and that every ending of a relationship is complicated, especially when that relationship lasted for thirty-five years.

Season 9[]

These Are Not the Droids You Are Looking For[]

Bert rushes his grandson Isaiah into the ED after he accidentally fell on him. While there is nothing wrong with Isaiah, Bert turns out to have a ligament injury in his left leg. Throughout his hospital stay, Bert makes little logical mistakes like confusing his left leg for his right and confusing his grandson Isaiah for his son Michael. His daughter Tara tries to convince his ex-wife Sharon that Bert has been acting strange lately, including forgetting and misplacing things, but Sharon brushes it off as just him being him. When Tara shows her mother a nanny cam video of Bert acting extremely confused at home, Sharon realizes that there is something very wrong with him.

I Make a Promise, I Will Never Leave You[]

While Bert is at the hospital for a follow-up appointment for this twisted knee, Sharon enlists Dr. Charles to evaluate Bert's memory. When Dr. Charles suspects Bert indeed needs a full neurological workup and he and Sharon discuss their concerns with him, Bert becomes extremely angry and accuses the two of them of only being after his money. Later on, Bert shows up outside Sharon's house and agrees that he will seek treatment.

I Told Myself That I was Done With You[]

Bert comes into the hospital for his neurology appointment, and gets annoyed at Sharon for keeping tabs on him. Later, Sharon finds out that Bert still has her as his emergency contact, and so the neurologist is able to disclose to her that he has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's. After a call from Tara, Maggie and Dr. Charles go over to Bert's to find him alright, but he's worried about what comes next.

Notes and Trivia[]



Season 2
Soul Care Win Loss Natural History Brother's Keeper Extreme Measures
Alternative Medicine Inherent Bias Free Will Uncharted Territory Heart Matters
Graveyard Shift Mirror Mirror Theseus' Ship Cold Front Lose Yourself
Prisoner's Dilemma Monday Mourning Lesson Learned Ctrl Alt Generation Gap
Deliver Us White Butterflies Love Hurts
Season 3
Speak Your Truth Nothing to Fear Trust Your Gut Naughty or Nice Mountains and Molehills
Ties That Bind Over Troubled Water Lemons and Lemonade On Shaky Ground Down By Law
Folie à Deux Born This Way Best Laid Plans Lock It Down Devil in Disguise
An Inconvenient Truth The Parent Trap This Is Now Crisis of Confidence The Tipping Point
Season 5
Never Going Back to Normal We're Lost in the Dark In the Valley of the Shadows Infection, Part II Got a Friend in Me
It's All in the Family Who Knows What Tomorrow Brings Too Close to the Sun I Can't Imagine the Future Guess It Doesn't Matter Anymore
The Ground Shifts Beneath Us Leave the Choice to Solomon Pain Is for the Living It May Not Be Forever I Will Do No Harm
Who Should Be the Judge The Ghosts of the Past In the Name of Love Just a River in Egypt A Needle in the Heart
Season 6
When Did We Begin to Change Those Things Hidden in Plain Sight Do You Know the Way Home? In Search of Forgiveness, Not Permission When Your Heart Rules Your Head
Don't Want to Face This Now Better Is the Enemy of Good Fathers and Mothers, Daughters and Sons For the Want of a Nail So Many Things We've Kept Buried
Letting Go Only to Come Together Some Things Are Worth the Risk What a Tangled Web We Weave A Red Pill, a Blue Pill Stories, Secrets, Half-Truths and Lies
I Will Come to Save You
Season 9
Row Row Row Your Boat on a Rocky Sea This Town ain't Big Enough for the Both of Us What Happens in the Dark Always Comes to Light These Are Not the Droids You Are Looking For I Make a Promise, I Will Never Leave You
I Told Myself That I was Done With You Step On A Crack and Break Your Mother's Back A Penny For Your Thoughts, Dollar For Your Dreams Spin A Yarn, Get Stuck In Your Own String You Might Just Find You Get What You Need
I Think There's Something You're Not Telling Me Get By With A Little Help From My Friends I Think I Know You, But Do I Really?